- WHOLE MACE- It has a warm, sweet, nutmeg flavor that’s more powerful than nutmeg. Making this whole mace spice great for baked goods, sauces & stews, meat & vegetable dishes & curries
- PURE - No preservatives, no additives, no MSG, non-GMO, no fillers.
- FLAVORS OF THE WORLD - It is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, and European cuisines.
- FRESH – premium mace packed fresh in a resealable bag.
- FARM TO TABLE - 30 years of experience in growing spices mace, herbs, and peppers, using traditional methods like hand-picking, sun-drying, and grounding at our facility
When ordering quantities of 1 lb and above, product might be sent in one bulk bag.
- WHOLE MACE- It has a warm, sweet, nutmeg flavor that’s more powerful than nutmeg. Making this whole mace spice great for baked goods, sauces & stews, meat & vegetable dishes & curries
- PURE - No preservatives, no additives, no MSG, non-GMO, no fillers.
- FLAVORS OF THE WORLD - It is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, and European cuisines.
- FRESH – premium mace packed fresh in a resealable bag.
- FARM TO TABLE - 30 years of experience in growing spices mace, herbs, and peppers, using traditional methods like hand-picking, sun-drying, and grounding at our facility
When ordering quantities of 1 lb and above, product might be sent in one bulk bag.

Highly Rated

Packed Fresh

All Pure

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